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It has been established that many methods using qualitative and quantitative indicators are used to study the problem of motivating the personnel of modern companies, assessing the level of motivation, efficiency and loyalty of employees. Expert methods of analysis have gained particular popularity, as they make it possible to justify, explain and specify the obtained results, using the experience of the expert group. Considerable attention should be paid to the process of forming an expert group, determining the level of expertise of experts, planning their number. When using quantitative methods, the emphasis is on the number of indicators that need to be calculated, on establishing permissible deviations from existing normative values, on choosing a scale for scoring, forming ratings. Features, advantages and disadvantages of various research methods of management problems in the management of the motivational component of personnel security of business are summarized. It has been established that quantitative methods have such characteristics as the ability to compare results over time, comprehensibility, and a high level of formalization, however, there are disadvantages such as the complexity of the calculation and the large amount of data required for analysis. Qualitative methods are characterized by such features as the possibility of obtaining expert information and comments, the absence of the need for complex calculations, the possibility of obtaining information from various sources, however, there is a risk of interpretation inaccuracies, a low level of formalization of the methodical procedure and expertise of the expert. Internal research involves the possibility of using information with limited access, specific data, high reliability of information for analysis, however, there is a possibility of subjective interpretation and distortion and concealment of facts. External research is characterized by the professionalism of analysts and third-party experts, the absence of conflict of interests, objectivity and the possibility of comparison with other practices and companies, however, there is a possibility of not being able to take into account the specifics of the company's activities and the peculiarities of its management.


Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)

Reference20 articles.

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