
Barabas DmytroORCID,Panasiuk OleksandraORCID,Kryvonos Anton


Digital transformation is reshaping the way business companies compete in the market. It requires companies to actively utilize digital technologies to form competitive advantages. The article covers the main theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of competitive advantages of digital companies in the face of uncertainty and risk. The article explores how companies can utilize digital technologies to create competitive advantages. In the course of the study, the sources of digital competitive advantages of the company in the digital economy system were identified. The sequence of formation of new competitive advantages, consisting of four stages, has been determined. The necessity of creating integrated system for the formation and support of the company's competitive advantages, including a set of constantly implemented innovative, investment, marketing, organizational and managerial, personnel and social events, is underlined. The focus is on information technologies and systems, their development, and the impact on the performance of enterprises. The process of forming digital competitive advantages of enterprise is systematized depending on different approaches to the interpretation of competitiveness. The technology of searching for competitive advantages in the context of digitalization is generalized. It is noted that in all aspects of the Company's activities, changes should be made to increase the number of competitive advantages. The key competitive advantages that companies gain as a result of digital transformation are identified. Therefore, based on the above, today any company, regardless of its size and industry, that wants to remain competitive, must integrate a digital strategy into its corporate strategy.


Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)


Computer Science Applications,History,Education

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