The article reveals the state, problems and prospects of development of ecological hotels in Ukraine. Reduction of negative impact of hotels on the environment is possible thanks to their operation on the basis of sustainable development. The paper reveals the principles of the hotel sector's activity based on the concept of sustainable development. The main hotel certification systems in the world are presented. The Green Key environmental certification programme was found to be the leader in the Ukrainian hotel market, but the number of certified hotels in Ukraine is still small. The main obstacles to the implementation of the greening of the hotel industry are identified. It has been emphasised that the advantages of the implementation of ecological hotels are the reduction of costs due to the saving of resources, the growth of a positive image in society, the activation of the use of locally produced products, the popularisation of local traditions, crafts, products, the use of environmentally friendly food products, detergents, the reduction of environmental pollution, a positive impact on people's health. There are several measures proposed for the greening of hotel activities.
Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)
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