This article aims to explore opportunities for increasing employment levels in Ukraine through the digital transformation of the national economy based on the analysis of the current state of the labor market and the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) digital technologies. The relevance of this research is associated with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine on the labor market, including the consequences such as destruction, illnesses, population migration, and business closures. The article employs general scientific empirical and theoretical research methods, including observation and description, as well as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, and generalization. The research findings indicate that digital transformation can stimulate the development of the information technology sector, provide new employment opportunities, and contribute to overall economic growth, thereby activating the labor market. In addition, the development of artificial intelligence systems provides new opportunities for the economy. The application of artificial intelligence can contribute to creating new jobs in fields such as big data analytics, robotics, and statistics. The demand for experts with knowledge of artificial intelligence can lead to the development a corresponding market for educational services. However, potential negative consequences exist, such as replacing certain human labor with artificial intelligence systems. Nevertheless, the overall potential impact of implementing artificial intelligence is much greater than the negative effect resulting from the reduction of some human labor. The disappearance of jobs in certain fields is accompanied by the emergence of new fields and, consequently, new types of employment. The practical significance of this study lies in its potential application for managerial decision-making regarding the development of digital transformation in the country, including the formulation of effective policies and strategies for implementing AI systems in the economy.
Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)
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