In recent years, the utilization of digital technologies and the promotion of a country's digital development have emerged not only as a strategic necessity but also as a key determinant of its competitiveness on the international stage. The article extensively scrutinized the Digital Competitiveness Index, assessing Ukraine's position within the overall index. Additionally, it evaluated the significance of its components, such as knowledge, technology, and future readiness. The subfactors were also analyzed, allowing the identification of strengths and weaknesses in Ukraine's digitization process. Furthermore, the Digital Economy and Society Index and the Ease of Doing Digital Business Index were examined, both of which do not evaluate Ukraine's developmental level according to the specified indicators. Additionally, the ICT Development Index, which has not been evaluated since 2018, was explored. The obtained results could be utilized in constructing a business process transformation strategy, identifying priority areas, opportunities, and obstacles for the integration of digital technologies into enterprise operations.
Publishing House Helvetica (Publications)
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