Feminisms in the challenge of alternatives to punitivism: The necessary synergies in a path to be explored


Francés PazORCID


In this text, after focusing the analysis on the incidence of patriarchy in law, we want to trace the basic defining lines of the three currents of feminism that can be differentiated in relation to penal issues: prison feminism, feminist guaranteeism and anti-punitive feminism. Secondly, starting from this last thesis, some key arguments will be developed to deepen in the development of a feminism attentive to the dangers of punitive logic, the creation of frameworks that move away from punitivism as an expression of patriarchy and approach other strategies. On this path, synergies with critical criminology, restorative justice and penal guaranty are necessary.


Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law


Law,Social Sciences (miscellaneous)

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