1. Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University, Miyazaki, Japan
Seventy-three mammary tumors and three mammary tissue specimens were examined to elucidate the expression of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-6 in the myoepithelial cells of canine mammary gland tumors. Morphologically, the myoepithelial cells were classified into four types: resting and proliferating cells inside the basement membrane, and spindle- and star-shaped cells proliferating in the outer area of the basement membrane. The characteristics of these myoepithelial cells were confirmed by immunohistochemistry using antibodies raised against keratin, cytokeratin 19, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and vimentin. In simple adenoma, a small number of resting myoepithelial cells was immunopositive for BMP-6. In complex adenomas and benign mixed tumors, all types of myoepithelial cells, depending in some cases on their specific location within the tumor, were immunopositive for BMP-6, but almost all of the tubular epithelial cells were immunonegative. Foci consisting of a proliferation of BMP-6–positive star- and spindle-shaped cells had mucinous stroma with marked hyaline and chondroid changes. In contrast, the foci with BMP-6–negative spindle- and star-shaped cells tended to have mucinous stroma without chondroid change. Several types of mesenchymal cells including chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and fibroblastlike cells in the mixed tumors, showed an intense immunopositive reaction for the BMP-6 antibody, and were located close to the ectopic cartilage and bone matrix. No significant immunoreactivity for BMP-6 was observed in most of the malignant mammary tumors; only one malignant mixed tumor was examined. All of these findings indicate that BMP-6 expression in myoepithelial cells may increase in complex adenomas and benign mixed tumors in canine mammary glands, and that BMP-6 expression is most intense in the vicinity of chondroid matrix in these tumors.
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