1. Departamento de Clínica e Cirugia, Centro de Ciĉncias Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus Universitário Petronio Portella s/n, Bairro Ininga, Teresina-Piauí, Brazil
Conidiobolomycosis is reported in the state of Piauí, in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. Affected sheep had depression, weight loss, serous or mucohemorrhagic nasal discharge, and cranium-facial asymmetry from exophthalmos of 1 eye, generally with increased volume of the eyeball, keratitis, and corneal ulceration. At necropsy of 60 sheep, friable masses were observed in the posterior region of the nasal cavity, often destroying the ethmoturbinate bones. Frequently, the lesions invaded the nasal sinuses, cribiform plate, orbit, and brain. The masses were irregular, granular with moist surfaces, and soft and friable with white, yellow, or tan coloration. Dissemination of the lesion to lungs was observed in 27 sheep, to the brain in 26, to lymph nodes in 3, to the kidney in 2, and to the gallbladder and heart in 1. The microscopic examination showed granulomatous inflammation composed of central necrosis surrounded by lymphocytes, epithelioid and giant cells, and fibrous tissue. In all lesions, negatively stained structures representing hyphae were surrounded by Splendore-Hoeppli material. Coagulative necrosis, thrombosis, and vasculitis were also observed. Grocott methenamine silver stain showed 8–30-μm-thick hyphae, rarely septate or ramified, irregular in shape, and with black contoured wall, sometimes with bulbous dilatation in the extremities. On electron microscopy, the hyphae had a thick double wall surrounded by cellular remnants and an inflammatory exudate. Conidiobolus coronatus was isolated from the lesions of 6 sheep. Conidiobolomycosis is an important disease of sheep in the state of Piauí, and other regions of northeastern Brazil.
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