Reintegration of veterans of the hybrid war: features of measurement and characteristics of the levels of their integration


Zakharina TetianaORCID,


The article examines the results of research into the process of reintegration of veterans of the hybrid war in the conditions of modern Ukrainian society. Special attention is focused on the characteristics of the areas of work on reintegration and the levels of implementation of interaction. Methods of measuring the effectiveness of reintegration activities are also proposed. The results of an empirical study conducted using the test methodology “WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL) – 100” are presented, which reveals the subjective assessment of a veteran’s quality of life in various areas of its manifestation. The possibility of using diagnostic results in planning and adjusting the reintegration program is outlined. The purpose of the article is to determine and analyze the features of the social reintegration of hybrid war veterans by measuring and characterizing the levels of their integration in modern Ukrainian society. To achieve the set goal, a number of tasks were solved: an analysis of the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the research problem was carried out and, based on the generalized experience, to substantiate the leading provisions of the reintegration of veterans as a social process; the conformity of the defined areas of social work with veterans to the basic needs of this category of citizens was analyzed; the components of social work with veterans of the hybrid war and the main levels of its implementation are defined and substantiated; methods of measuring the effectiveness of reintegration of veterans at different levels of implementation of activities are proposed. Implementation of the set tasks was achieved by using a complex of theoretical, practical and statistical research methods. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of this study lies in the study of the features of measurement and characteristics of the levels of reintegration of veterans of the hybrid war in modern Ukrainian society with the help of socio-psychological diagnostic tools. The conclusions indicate that according to the basic needs of veterans, the leading directions of reintegration activities are social-legal, social-medical, social-pedagogical and psychological-social, which are implemented at the personal, institutional and state levels. The possibility of using the “WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL) – 100” method as a diagnostic tool for the current needs of veterans and determining the directions of reintegration work has been confirmed.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University


General Medicine







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