Stakeholders as a Basis for University Management in Terms of European Integration


Vasynova NadiiaORCID,


The article highlights the potential of cooperation between universities and stakeholders in modern conditions (during the full-scale war in Ukraine) and the impact of established interaction not only on the quality of higher education, competitiveness, and rating of the institution, but also on the process of post-war state restoration. The article has been revealed the role of universities in territorial communities in the global context, the importance of implementing social responsibility by higher education institutions. This is especially relevant due to the European integration processes and the fact that Ukraine was given the status of a candidate for accession to the EU. The most common types of activities that are influenced by stakeholders in the procedures for ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education have been outlined. The barriers to stakeholder development in Ukraine and ways to solve them have been identified. The author has identified perspective directions of interaction between higher education institutions and stakeholders for the formation of positive changes in the system of practice-oriented education, based on new requirements for higher education institutions that go beyond the main tasks of teaching and research, in particular in terms of European integration. It has been proved that internal and external stakeholders in terms of established partnership cooperation with universities, using the existing potential, acquire significant resources and assets to ensure the sustainable development of the institution and the territorial community, having the ability to effectively influence society and the country as a whole.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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