Characteristics of the Subject of Professional Training of Future Social Workers and Social Pedagogues to Work with Vulnerable Categories of the Population


Yurkiv YaroslavaORCID,


The article reveals the generalized characteristics of the subject (researcher, stakeholders) of professional training of future social workers and social educators to work with vulnerable groups as a set of basic components: general professional (professional and academic qualifications according to the content of educational components of the educational program; professional positions as a set of formed attitudes and orientations, attitudes and assessments of internal and environmental experience; subsystem of individual psychological features - a combination of different structural and functional components of the psyche, which determine the individuality, style of professional activity, behavior and are manifested in the professional qualities of the individual); specialized requirements (awareness of the importance of training future social workers and social educators to work with vulnerable populations; awareness of the interdisciplinary nature of social work with vulnerable populations; creativity in solving problems of social work with vulnerable populations); innovation requirements (the need for self-improvement, improving professional skills, ability to innovate, etc.).


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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