Facilitation as a Method of Forming a Favorable Socio-Psychological Climate and Partnership in a Higher Education Institution


Kurylo VitaliiORCID, ,Karaman OlenaORCID,


The article reveals the essence of facilitation as a method of forming favorable socio-psychological climate and partnership in a higher education institution. It has been noted that the creation of favorable socio-psychological climate and partnership in a higher education institution involves overcoming barriers of mental tension in the process of communication, openness, accessibility and democracy of a higher education institution, unification of the educational process participants under appropriate conditions of labor division and active participation in its implementation, cooperation on the principles of equality and voluntariness. The mechanism of application of the facilitation method in the context of the formation of favorable socio-psychological climate and partnership in a higher education institution is presented as the development of organizational, psychological, pedagogical and methodical conditions that ensure the possibility of successful interaction and communication, provided that a higher education institution is adaptable and that members of staff / team are independent in solving problems by focusing on resources and achieving goals.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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1. Definitional analysis of the phenomenon of «facilitation»;Bulletin of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University;2023








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