Use of Resources of the Educational Environment in the Context of Remote Studying of Foreigners in Ukraine


Tokuyeva NataliiaORCID,


This article examines the essence of the educational environment concept, іndividual approaches of scientists to determining the content and structural components, means and forms of its main tasks within the format of remote studying of foreign citizens in Ukrainian higher educational facilities, which is determined and adjusted by time, society, forms of the educational process. The peculiarities of the organization of the virtual educational environment through the lens of language training of foreigners in Ukrainian higher educational facilities, content, purpose and level of efficiency of its resources for solving educational tasks of an educational facility, are revealed. External resources of the educational environment are examined, and internal interrelated components that ensure its effectiveness and efficiency are highlighted: technological (using normative methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language and achieving planned results), material-technical, and subject-resource (implementing equal partnership between the subjects of the educational environment). It is determined that at the initial stage of education, the lack of language and cultural environment, which contributes to foreigners’ formation of speech skills and abilities, determines their communication needs and motivates them to learn the language, negatively affects the quality of education. Daily verbal communication with the tutor in the format of videoconferencing, involvement of authentic videos, fragments of television programs, films or cartoons, educational videos, virtual tours, phonograms in the educational process provides an opportunity to optimize the educational process and achieve planned studying outcomes.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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