The article presents modern approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to determine the essence of feedback in education in general and in higher education in particular. Emphasis has been placed on the fact that the understanding of the essence of feedback in education differs significantly within behaviorist, cognitive, sociocultural approaches, the theory of social constructivism. Feedback in the educational process of higher education institutions has been considered as a process and result of the transmission and obtaining the information by the subjects of the educational process regarding academic performance, prospects for improving educational results and learning strategies. Feedback types and functions have been defined. Its most important characteristics (concreteness, timeliness, positivity, constructive character, personalization, dialogicity) have been presented. The explicit context of feedback in higher education has been characterized on the basis of its control and evaluation functions. The importance of constructive feedback in the process of commenting students’ answers, the results of the tasks performed, has been emphasized. The implicit context has been disclosed in accordance with the features of interpersonal communication in the educational process, non-verbal means of communication, “feedback loops” in various forms of communication at the university. The relevance of the feedback literacy formation among teachers and students has been proved.
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
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