A Systematic Approach to the Development of Basic Models of the Behavior of Business Entities and its Harmonization


Mykytenko V.ORCID, ,Chuprina M.ORCID,Serhiienko S.ORCID, ,


The authors have formed and substantiated the basic models of behavior of a plurality of business entities, presented in the form of combined conceptual and analytical model solutions, taking into account both a clear sequence of implementation of organizational, economic and institutional procedures, and economic and psychological factors of choosing which one to use in business practice. Proposed: a) a model of monetary-entrepreneurial (innovative) behavior - it is described by the content of the determining factors for generating monetary signs of the real behavior of business entities, the key factors for generating social adaptability in modern monetary culture and the significance of these factors, factor load factors; b) a model of marketing and investment behavior, detailed according to a binary set of principles for implementing new models of investment and marketing behavior; c) model of adaptive-cavernous cognitive behavior - identified by the triad of principles of adaptive, cavernous and cognitive behavior. A closed scheme of formalization, in five stages, has been developed for choosing one of the three combined basic models of behavior of business entities, which is carried out in phases: identification of prerequisites for choice in a certain space and time; description of initial model solutions and determination of objective functions; implementation of a closed loop for choosing a basic behavior model.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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