Information Support for the Processes of Formation and Assessment of Corporate Reputation: Theoretical and Applied Aspect


,Ozarko K.ORCID,Khomiv O.ORCID,


The paper investigates the theoretical and applied problems of information support for the processes of formation and assessment of corporate reputation. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that in the current economic environment, business reputation (corporate reputation), brand reputation, etc. play an increasingly important role. The article notes that the highly effective use of reputation influence mechanisms specifically on the main (key) indicators of the level of efficiency of an enterprise in a highly competitive environment (due to European integration processes, openness, economic globalization, etc.) will allow gaining and maintaining significant competitive advantages in future activities. These areas of influence will not be quickly imitated by competitors. They will increase the level of loyalty of consumers, partners, intermediaries, investors, employees, authorities, etc. It is stated that reputation (its level) is considered a material value. The world's leading companies actually consider a positive image in the assets of their balance sheets. That is why domestic Ukrainian enterprises are increasingly facing the task of determining the level of their reputation. This is important for managing it and building a high level of trust among stakeholders. One of the key areas for the development of this process is the form.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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