Economic Riskology of Corporate Integration Processes in the Management of Joint-Stock Companies


Didovets I.ORCID, ,Karpunina M.ORCID,


It was unsubstantiated nature of mergers and acquisitions of joint stock companies as the processes of redistribution of equity control. Author generalized nature for obtaining corporate control over the joint-stock companies in the course of operations of a hostile M & A. and considered it mechanisms. Then it was proposed classification of the main types of mergers and acquisitions of enterprises. Also it was generalized approach to formation of a monitoring system of benchmarks that identify possibility of attempts at hostile mergers and acquisitions over the strong and weak signals. It was summarized systems of measures that can be used to counteract this process reviewed. possible variants infringement of the rights and interests of shareholders through unpredictable changes in the size or structure of the share capital in the implementation of the operations of a hostile M & A. Author substantiated composition of factors in the formation of the company attractive for attempts a hostile mergers and acquisitions. Finally it was defined criteria for evaluation of optimal ways to protect the Company against attempts of hostile mergers and acquisitions.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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