Innovative Project Clusters in the System of Forming Competitiveness and Economic Development of Regional Art Educational Institutions


Yakushev О.ORCID, ,Trushkina N.ORCID,


The article is devoted to pressing issues of development and implementation of regulatory economic policy in the field of creating innovative educational clusters as a tool for shaping a smart economy. Provided and reasonably generalized vision of regional policy as a complex phenomenon. The conceptual foundations of the formation of the cluster policy of the region are proved and systematically argued, which, unlike the existing ones, is based on the scenario, development of targeted plans and development projects for individual regions, substantiation of the direction of measures to promote the development of clusters, determination of methods, levers and appropriate types of managerial impact, implementation which at the regional level will achieve a socio-economic effect for each participant in cluster interaction. The conceptual vision of the regional policy of clustering is provided on the basis of stimulating the innovative and educational space of the region and the basic principles are determined that should ensure the successful implementation of managerial regulatory influence – the knowledge-intensiveness and the relationship with innovative scientific developments; complexity in analysis, diagnostics of processes, decision making; synergistic combination of knowledge; optimization of costs, time and resources and others.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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