The article begins consideration of the problem of elaborating regional programs of state regulation of the development of the agro-food sector in the regions of the country in the conditions of the post-war socio-economic recovery of Ukraine. A retrospective assessment of the National Recovery Plan of Ukraine, presented by the government to the international community at a conference in Lugano, Switzerland in July 2022, is being conducted with the identification of the main gaps in this National Plan. The content of legislative and normative acts on the regulation of the country's agro-food sector in terms of ensuring food safety, ensuring the quality of food products and establishing the order of relations between the state and the owners of agricultural land in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war is analyzed. The essence of methodological aspects of the proposed approach to the elaboration of regional programs of state regulation of the development of the agro-food sector at the post-war stage is given on the example of the Poltava region. In principle, a general integral of the evaluation of the economic losses of the agro-food sector of the regions as a result of the war has been developed, which acts as the first stage of the development of the marked regional programs, with the following types of losses highlighted: destroyed objects of the residential and communal sphere of rural areas; destroyed objects of production infrastructure and irrigation systems; areas of agricultural land that need to be restored; areas of gardens, vineyards and berry orchards damaged as a result of the war; areas of forests damaged as a result of the war; areas of reservoirs, coasts, etc., damaged as a result of the war. An end-to-end approach to the direct development of regional programs of state regulation of the development of the agro-food sector in the regions at the stage of post-war recovery of Ukraine is put forward, which covers: conceptual principles, principles and regulatory regimes. In principle, proposals have been put forward for methodical support for the implementation of the proposed approach.
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
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