Strategies for improving psycho-emotional state and resilience skills formation in socially vulnerable groups during the state of war in Ukraine


Tashkinova OksanaORCID, ,Rohovska OlhaORCID,Radionova Tetiana, ,


The article explores the issue of implementing and realizing strategies for improving the psycho-emotional state and forming resilience skills in socially vulnerable groups during the state of war in Ukraine. An analysis of the results of nationwide research on the psycho-emotional state of Ukrainians conducted during the period from 2022 to 2024 is provided. It is established that socially vulnerable groups of the population, such as internally displaced persons, war veterans, people with disabilities, and others, face significant difficulties associated with deteriorating psycho-emotional states and adapting to stressful situations. The paper discusses various aspects related to effective stress management strategies and psycho-emotional reactions that can be beneficial for these population groups. The article emphasizes that ensuring psychological resilience of the population, especially representatives of vulnerable groups, is a key task for contemporary Ukrainian social policy. The article discusses possible ways to support and develop resilience skills that can have a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state and overall quality of life of these groups. Special attention is paid to the introduction of a new psychosocial service for resilience building. The importance of implementing innovative educational programs for auxiliary professions specialists to ensure quality psychosocial support to the population and formation of resilience skills is underscored. Special attention is given to the analysis of decentralization and provision of psychosocial services at the level of territorial communities through the establishment of Resilience Centers. This allows ensuring the accessibility and quality of services for the local population. Analysis of these issues will help broaden the understanding of mental health problems in the population and provide more effective support for those who need it most.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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