The article updates the problem of preserving the mental health of Ukraine population under conditions of war. The author emphasizes that mental health affects not only emotions, behavior, communication, but also thinking, decision-making process, and social well-being of people. The author notes that in Ukraine, the potential of social work in the field of mental health is not sufficiently used in comparison with international practice. Although there are many methods of prevention of mental health disorders and its preservation in social work. These are social rehabilitation, counseling, crisis intervention, social support, etc. Social work involves assistance in recognizing mental health difficulties (needs audit), establishing contact, direct support, referral for professional help and tracking of its getting. A social worker (social assignment manager, case manager) connects people with activities and services in the local community that can help improve their mental health and well-being. The author of the article provides examples of the activities of social workers in the field of mental health support, which have become widespread in the USA, and which can be useful for the domestic practice of social work. It is clinical social work that aims to solve the problems of people with mental illness and treat their condition. School social work, which provides practical help to children and adolescents with existing and potential mental problems. Substance abuse social work specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of addiction. Social work with military personnel, their family members, and veterans to preserve their mental health.
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
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