It is time for rural training in family medicine in Brazil!


Almeida Magda Moura,Floss Mayara,Targa Leonardo Vieira,Wynn-Jones John,Chater Alan Bruce


The gap between health needs and the training of human resources for health is much more evident in rural areas. In Brazil, a country of continental dimensions, these differences become more challenging. The diversity of geographical and administrative barriers to access makes the health indicators of rural and remote populations worse than those of the urban population. Family Medicine could address the social determinants of health through the provision of human services and play an important role in low-income rural residents’ health status. This essay is an urgent call for the debate on models for projecting heath workforce supply and requirements for rural areas in Brazil.


Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina de Familia e Comunidade (SBMFC)

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1. Rural internship in medical schools in Brazil;Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica;2023

2. Internato rural nos cursos de Medicina no Brasil;Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica;2023

3. Produção de fumo e insônia;Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade;2022-07-30







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