1. Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine
2. Smolensk State Agricultural Academy
Under the conditions of industrial technological processes for obtaining milk, the main features of functional disorders of the ovaries were determined in cows, which is manifested by the absence of external signs of oestrus (47.1-62.0%), anovulatory sexual cycles (15.1-20.9%), luteinization of follicles (8.7-16%), luteal cysts (6.0-10.9%), follicular cysts (2.2-3.8%), persistence of corpus luteum (13.1-18.0%). An optimal method for managing the reproductive function for cows with different milk performance has been developed using the new preparation "Oestrobelum D" (cloprostenol-D), which has a high luteolytic effect and is recommended for the induction of oestrus in dairy cows on the 62nd day after parturition. The overall rate of coming in heat (97.6%) and fertility rate (71.2%) after two injections of the drug showed its high target repro-ductive efficiency, which satisfies milk producers in terms of economic significance.
Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine
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