The undergraduate Islamic religion teacher training programs has been opened in various higher education institutions in Germany. The aim of these programs, generally providing education at undergraduate and graduate levels, is to train teachers for Islamic religion lesson in primary and secondary education institutions. In this study, undergraduate Islamic religion teacher training programs at Münster, Frankfurt-Giessen and Tübingen universities were compared in terms of various variables. It has been tried to determine the similarities and differences regarding the student admission requirements, study durations, field modules and credits and graduation requirements of the relevant universities. The aim of this study is to examine the undergraduate programs of Islamic religion teacher training programs, to compare them in terms of various variables, and to determine their possibilities and limits. Document analysis was used in the study. For this, these programms were obtained and examined, and the similarities and differences between them were tried to be determined within the framework of the research questions. As a result of the research, it has been determined that there are some similarities and differences between these teacher training programs. Based on the results, solutions were suggested.
Eskisehir Osmangazi University
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