Human Capital of the Enterprise in the Context of System Economy


Zhdanov Dmitry A.1ORCID


1. Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


One of the key factors that determine the success of the company and ensure its ongoing development, adaptation to the requirements of the digital economy, is the human capital (HC) of the enterprise. In this regard, the purpose of the study is designated as identifying ways to support the integral and sustainable growth of a company based on the development of its human capital. Since an enterprise is an open socio-economic system, the methodological basis of the work is the systems economic theory, which made it possible to present the company's activities as the interaction of object, environmental, process and project systems. Based on this concept and taking into account the objectives traditionally pursued by the company, four basic functional complexes have been identified that ensure the stability and reproductive capabilities of the enterprise, the challenges that need to be overcome within such capabilities were identified, the requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel were established. Comparison of the human resources of the enterprise and the features of the corporate tasks solved with their help made it possible to group the elements of the company's HC in a new way – depending on the impact on the noted basic subsystems that determine the integrity of the company. This systematization demonstrated the interconnection of individual elements of the enterprise's HC and the performance of the corresponding complexes. Thus, the probable personnel reasons for the lag in certain areas of the company's activity and the possibilities of their reorganization by targeted impact on the required elements of the HC were identified. Since the implementation of the proposed approach requires the determination of the status of the corporate HC, and the reliability of such a procedure traditionally raises criticism due to the objective difficulties of measurement, the article proposes a methodology to streamline the process of assessing the state of the parameters under study. The methodology is based on the ranking of HC indicators depending on the accuracy of displaying the parameters of the object. The proposed approach made it possible to determine the tools for monitoring the selected categories of human capital, ways to step them up and remedy the situation.


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