Express-Evaluation of Industrial Enterprises Operations in Moscow with Universal Composite Indicator


Zhukova Liudmila V.1ORCID


1. NRU “Higher School of Economics”, JSC “ЕС-leasing”, Moscow


Recent years were a transformation period of the analytic systems to support management decision-making on continuously available open data away from official periodic reports. In this regard, the system of control and supervision of management objects by the state controlling bodies is changing, new sources of information are included; monitoring of the external environment and media space is introduced. The author proposes an approach to the formation of a generalized key indicator for rapid assessment of the object of management (on the example of an industrial enterprise) on the basis of open data from the Internet. The object of the research is developing universal comprehensive indicator for rapid assessment of the compliance of the economic object of management on the part of regulators or relevant services on the basis of structured and unstructured data from the Internet. Scientific novelty of the study is to propose the concept of building a universal comprehensive indicator (UCI) based on a logical function that uses an extended set of arguments, including both continuous and discrete variables. Transformation into the values of the indicator is proposed using the logical rules, given the requirements for the control object from the regulators. Main results of the work: the concept of constructing universal comprehensive indicator allowing to get an express assessment of the state of the object in control was developed. The algorithm was tested to assess the need and feasibility for the state authorities in the financial assistance of the Moscow industrial enterprise. The approach in this research is applicable to current monitoring of the situation due to official reporting at the tactical level of management.


RPO for the Promotion of Institutes DE RAS


General Medicine

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