Evaluation of fertilizer type and rate of application on tomato fruit quality


Zingwari Obey A.ORCID,Zendera WillardORCID,Masoso FreddyORCID,Mtaita TauriraORCID,Mutetwa MosesORCID


Growing vegetables is seen as a promising method for ensuring sustainable food and nutrition security in the tropics. The rise in demand for tomatoes in this region has influenced production practices and strategies to meet local and export needs. Many tropical countries have expanded their tomato cultivation to fulfill local demand and potentially generate income from exports, as they have become increasingly important for food and nutrition security. Various successful production systems have been implemented around the world to grow tomatoes. However, Zimbabwean farmers are experiencing decreased yields and shorter shelf lives of tomatoes due to insufficient use of calcium, despite the pivotal role agrochemicals have played in boosting global agricultural production. This study aimed to assess the impact of different types and levels of basal chemical fertilizers on tomato quality. The three types of basal fertilizers used were Compound D [7:14:7], Gypsum, and a combination of both in equal proportions. These fertilizers were applied at rates of 50, 100, and 200 kg/ha. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications was utilized for the study. Tomato quality parameters such as ripe fruit count, size, disease prevalence, firmness, total soluble solids, weight loss, and shelf-life were measured. The results revealed significant differences (p<0.05) between the application rates and types of basal chemical fertilizers. The combination of Compound D and Gypsum had the most noTable effect, as the addition of calcium and sulfur improved the quality of tomato fruits. Ultimately, it was concluded that the best tomato quality was achieved when using a combination of Compound D and Gypsum at a rate of 200 kg/ha. These findings highlight the urgent need to promote the use of gypsum in tomato production


OU Scientific Route

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