1. O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University
2. National University of Pharmacy
Formation and development of the veterinary pharmacy and veterinary drugs market in Ukraine is an urgent issue. In order to prevent infection of the mammary gland in cows after milking, the nipples are treated with a suitable disinfectant for complete immersion or spraying. However, the agents for the prevention of mastitis, presented in the Ukrainian market, are expensive and there is a need to develop domestic veterinary preparations of different forms of release.
This work is a continuation of research on the development of the composition and technology of a means for antiseptic treatment of nipples and udders of cattle, in the form of a spray, in order to prevent microbial contamination and prevent mastitis.
To obtain a stable veterinary drug based on citrate of silver and copper, the dissolution regimes of the substances were investigated, the order of introduction of the active ingredients and auxiliary substances into the solution, the duration and the rate of stirring during dissolution. It is established that the most optimal are the following technological modes of spray preparation: dissolution temperature 20-220С, mixing time from 10 to 15 minutes, with stirring intensity from 150-200 sec-1. The selected technological regime ensures the stability of the veterinary drug "Argocide-copper" during storage for 12 months. The technology of obtaining a spray in the conditions of industrial production of veterinary preparations of LLC "Brovafarm" (Brovary, Ukraine) is developed. Critical stages and critical control points in the production process of a veterinary preparation of antiseptic action are determined.
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