Tkachenko Alina1ORCID, Syrokhman Ivan2ORCID, Basova Yulia1ORCID, Kobischan Anna1ORCID, Artemenko Anna1ORCID, Kovalchuk Khrystyna3ORCID, Kalashnyk Olena4ORCID, Katruk Mariia5ORCID, Zakharchyn Roman3ORCID, Havrylyshyn Volodymyr6ORCID
1. Poltava University of Economics and Trade 2. Lviv University of Trade and Economics 3. Lviv Institute of Economics and Touris 4. Poltava State Agrarian Academy 5. Ukrainian academy of printing 6. Lviv Trade and Economic University
For widening the assortment of floury confectionary products of organic raw materials, recipes of new cupcakes of sandy dough “Cosmic” and “Lunik” were offered.
The recipe of cakes “Cosmic” included the organic raw materials: rice flour, grinded ginger, lemongrass powder, coconut sugar, creamy butter and sea buckthorn oil, mélange of chicken eggs, black ashberry jam. The recipe of cakes “Lunik” included rice flour, combined with spelt one, lemongrass powder, coconut sugar, creamy butter and sea buckthorn oil, mélange of chicken eggs, organic blackberry jam. A control sample was baskets with jelly and fruits, prepared by the traditional recipe. The main difference of the offered samples is in fact that they are prepared of the organic raw materials only. Margarine is a fatty base of the control sample. It is offered to replace the fatty base by creamy butter and sea buckthorn oil. The production technology of a sandy semi-product consists of four stages: preparation of raw materials for production, preparation of a sandy semi-product, its formation, baking. This paper offers the developed scale of organoleptic estimation of the cupcake quality and presents results of studying its food value. The highest quality level by organoleptic parameters was fixed in the “Lunik” sample – 0.96; in the “Cosmic” sample, the quality level is also rather high – 0.95; the control sample differed by much lower quality level – 0.83. The developed samples differed by lower energetic value, namely, 351.00 kcal and 313.50 kcal in the “Cosmik” and “Lunik” samples, respectively, whereas for the control sample this number was 433.70 kcal. The offered recipes of cupcakes included the higher protein content than the control – 7.40 and 7.58g/100 g for “Cosmic” and “Lunik” samples, respectively, whereas the protein content in the control was 5.40 g/100 g.
OU Scientific Route
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