
Penkina Nataliya1,Tatar Larisа1,Kolesnyk Victoria1,Karbivnycha Tetiana1,Letuta Tetiana1


1. Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade


There was grounded the expedience of using unconventional vegetable raw material, namely Pinus sylvestris needle that partially replaced hop for beer enrichment. The optimal parameters of extraction of Pinus sylvestris needle relative to anti-oxidant activity of extract: hydromodulus 1:20, temperature 60 ºС, extraction 30 min. The needle extract has pure smell, harmonic refreshing taste with needle note. The content of ascorbic acid in extraction is 0,275 mg / 100 g, antioxidant activity – 202,3 C/100 g. The quantitative ratio of hop and pine needle in beer receipt was determined by the way of mathematical modeling. Quantitative content of Pinus sylvestris needle is no more than 20 % by mass from the rated norm of hop that is enough for preserving hop bitterness and smell. The receipt of beer, including Pinus sylvestris needle, was elaborated. The quality parameters of ready drink were studied. The addition of needle increases the beer gustatory properties, decreases methanol content. The content of ascorbic acid in ready drink is 3,52 mg/100 g. Antioxidant activity of elaborated beer is 178,1 C/100 g that determines its high biological value. The influence of beer with needle extract on antioxidant system of organism of biological objects was assessed. Under conditions of acute pathological condition the beer with needle extract decreases oxidative influence of drink on brain of biological objects. The beer “Smaragd” decreases toxic effect on organism of living creature due to its antioxidant properties. The introduction of needle extract that includes vegetable antioxidants in beer is the one of the ways to increase antioxidant capacity of ready drink. It opens the prospect of studies, directed on elaboration of arrangements of stabilization of different sorts of beer. The studies may be introduced in production that has positive effect on ready product quality.


OU Scientific Route

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