1. Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
The aim of the research is to study a behavior of the viscosity of model systems of the croquette mass, based on flour, in the wide diapason of shift velocities depending on temperature and duration of hydrothermal processing (HTP). Realization of this aim allows to get products with set parameters of quality and safety, provides the rational use of raw material resources, reduces the labor intensity of the technological process of making culinary products of the croquette mass.
It was found out, that a temperature and duration of HTP have an essential influence on formation of rheological characteristics of the croquette mass. It was revealed, that model systems reach the maximal viscosity at temperature 70 ºС in 20...30 min, at 80 ºС – in 5...10 min. But the structure formation finishes at 70 ºС in 20 minutes, at 80 ºС – in 10 minutes. Research data allow to reveal a possibility of regulating rheological characteristics of the croquette mass, based on flour, at the expanse of varying HTP parameters. It provides prognostication of a behavior and set form stability of the croquette mass at the contact with the technological equipment at making culinary products.
Prospects of further studies in this direction are the investigation of an influence of technological factors of HTP on the form stability and structural-mechanical characteristics of the croquette mass, based on flour.