1. National University of Food Technologies
2. Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine
3. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
The aim of the work is to elaborate effective methods that characterize mashes of semi-products with potato fiber after thermal processing for avoiding excessive densification of products and stabilization of qualimetric parameters.
The article presents main methods for determining characteristics of mashes with potato fiber for thermally processed semi-products.
Methods for studying the ability of dietary fiber «Potex» to change the effective viscosity and water-retaining capacity of multicomponent systems are offered. Values that characterize deviations of parameters at using white sugar the dehydrating capacity and egg mélange, which influence is changed by the aforesaid parameters at thermal processing, are obtained.
The effectiveness of determining the water activity value аw for specifying storage parameters of mashes with potato fiber for semi-products is confirmed.
Qualimetric parameters of experimental samples are obtained. Least mass losses at frying (155±5 °С) and baking (185±5 °С) were observed at adding maximal amount of «Potex» (2.0 %) and fixed at level 4.3±0.2 % and 6.2±0.1 % respectively. Introduction of dietary fiber decreases a content of free water in mashes for semi-products and, as a result, there is observed a mass loss decrease at thermal processing. It allows to stabilize qualimetric parameters
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