Analysis of variation minor actinide pin configurations Np-237, AM-241, and Cm-244 in UN-PuN fueled pressurized water reactor


Syarifah Ratna DewiORCID,Nasrullah MuhammadORCID,Prasetya FajriORCID,Mabruri Ahmad MuzakiORCID,Arkundato ArtotoORCID,Jatisukamto GagukORCID,Handayani SeptyORCID


Actinide minor is a reactor waste with high toxicity and a long half-life. Minor actinides can be reduced by reusing them as fuel mixtures in reactors. This research uses PWR reactors with the primary fuel UN-PuN or Uranium Plutonium Nitride with a burning time of 5 years. The fuel consists of enriched Uranium, reactor-grade Plutonium from LWR waste, and minor actinides including Neptunium-237, Americium-241, and Curium-244. The purpose of this study was to find a design that is effective in reducing minor actinide waste. There are six designs or cases used in the addition of minor actinides. Each case has six minor actinide pins in each assembly. The addition of minor actinides is arranged in heterogeneous cores. The analysis was carried out by observing the values of k-eff, excess reactivity, and mass of minor actinides obtained from simulations using OpenMC code 0.13.2 and the ENDF/B-VIII library. The homogeneous core obtained an excess reactivity of 9.7 % with a percentage of plutonium of 8 %. The results of the homogeneous core are used as a reference for preparing a heterogeneous core. The heterogeneous core obtained an excess reactivity of 9.9 % with a percentage of plutonium F1: 5.5 %, F2: 8 %, and F3: 10.5 %. Np-237 can be reduced by 53 kg, and Am-241 can be reduced by 61 kg with minor actinide pins in case 1. Cm-244 can be reduced by 363 kilograms with minor actinide pins in case 6. Excess reactivity in the addition of Np-237 and Am-241 decreased to 5.3 %, while the accumulation of Cm-244 increased to 12.1 %.


OU Scientific Route

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