Non-linear dynamics of a test particle near the Lagrange points L4 and L5 (Earth-Moon and Sun-Earth case)


Hysa AzemORCID


The two-bodies problem can be fully solved, and was solved by Kepler (1609) and Newton (1687). The general three-body problem is often given as an example of a mathematical problem that ‘can’t be solved’. So, there is no general analytical solution. This problem can be significant and a special case of this problem is the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CRTBP), which can be applied to the Earth-Moon system with a spacecraft, the Sun-Earth system with an asteroid, etc. In this paper, let’s focus on the motion of a test particle near the triangular Lagrange points L4 and L5 in the Earth-Moon and the Sun-Earth systems. Studying the movement of an object around these points is especially important for space mission design. To generate a trajectory around these points, the non-linear equations of motion for the circular restricted three-body problem were numerically integrated into MATLAB® 2023 software and the results are presented in the plane (x, y) and the phase plane (x, vx) and (y, vy). By numerical orbit integration, it is possible to investigate what happens when the displacement is relatively large or short from the Lagrange points. Then the small astronomical body may vibrate around these points. The results in this paper are shown in the rotating and inertia axes. Various initial positions near the Lagrange points and velocities are used to produce various paths the test particle can take. The same examples of numerical studies of trajectories associated with Lagrange points are shown in the inertial and the rotating coordinates system and are discussed. From the results of the numerical tests performed in MATLAB® 2023, it is possible to saw that there are different types of periodic, quasi-periodic, and chaotic orbits


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