Development of the principles of fuzzy rule-based system for hepatocelular carcinoma staging


Mammadova MasumaORCID,Bayramov NuruORCID,Jabrayilova ZarifaORCID


The article proposes the principles for the development of a fuzzy rule-based physician decision support system n to determine the stages of the most common hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) among malignant tumors of liver. The stages of HCC, i.e., critical situations, are expressed by different combinations of clinical signs of input data and emerging clinical conditions. These combinations shape the multiplicity of possible situations (critical situations) by forming linguistic rules that are in fuzzy relations with one another. The article presents the task of developing a fuzzy rules-based system for HCC staging by classifying the set of possible situations into given classes. In order to solve the problem, fuzzy rules of clinical situations and critical situations deviated from them are developed according to the possible clinical signs of input data. The rules in accordance with the decision-making process are developed in two phases. In the first phase, three input data are developed: nine rules are developed to determine possible clinical conditions based on the number, size, and vascular invasion of tumor. In the second phase, seven rules are developed based on possible combinations of input data on the presence of lymph nodes and metastases in these nine clinical conditions. At this stage, the rules representing the fuzzification of results obtained are also described. The latter provide an interpretation of results and a decision on related stage of HCC. It also proposes a functional scheme of fuzzy rules-based system for HCC staging, and presents the working principle of structural blocks. The fuzzy rule-based system for HCC staging can be used to support physicians to make diagnostic and treatment decisions


OU Scientific Route


General Physics and Astronomy,General Engineering

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