The study of complex formation processes is the scientific basis for the development of electrolytes in electroplating. The data on complexation in the zinc (II)–chromium (III)–cobalt (II)–glycine–water system were obtained. The study of complex formation in the zinc (II)-chromium (III)-cobalt (II)-glycine-water system is relevant due to the possibility of developing electrolytic galvanizing processes and obtaining appropriate coatings with high corrosion resistance. In addition, the alloying of zinc electroplating coatings with chromium, cobalt makes it possible to replace the use of toxic cadmium coatings and use their smaller thicknesses. The solutions were thermostated at 25 °C. The HI 2215 pH/ORPMeter was used to measure pH. The spin-lattice relaxation time T1 was measured on a pulsed NMR spectrometer "Minispecmq20" with a frequency of 19.75 MHz. The constants of the formation of complexes and their accumulation shares were calculated according to the CPESSP program. The paper presents data on previously conducted studies of chromium(III)–water, zinc(II)–glycine–water, chromium(III)–glycine–water and zinc(II)–chromium(III)–glycine–water systems. Data on complexation in the chromium (III)-cobalt (II)-glycine-water system were obtained. The formation of a heteronuclear complex CrCoGly83- has been established. The compositions of heteronuclear compounds, their accumulation fractions and formation constants were established: CrCoZn(HGly)5Gly34+ (lgK= 2.31±0.01); CrCoZn(HGly)3Gly52+ (lgK= -1.36±0.05) and CrCoZn(HGy)2Gly6+ (lgK= -4.23±0.09). The maximum proportion of accumulation of heteronuclear complexes, as studies have shown, is observed in the pH range of 2...6. In this paper, considerations are made about the electrochemical reactivity of heteronuclear compounds. In particular, it is noted that the electrochemical reduction of more electronegative metals, if they are in a heteronuclear complex, should occur with less overvoltage of the reaction. For citation: Berezin N.B., Chevela V.V., Mezhevich Zh.V., Ivanova V.Yu. Complex formation in the system zinc (II)-chromium (III) -cobalt (II)-glycine-water. ChemChemTech [Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol.]. 2023. V. 66. N 6. P. 31-36. DOI: 10.6060/ivkkt.20236606.6789.
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
General Chemical Engineering,General Chemistry