The article develops a mathematical model for the quantitative assessment of technological parameters of energy-technological systems for the production of sulfuric acid and condensed sulfur dioxide. When modeling, the system was considered as energy-technological, taking into account the need to reduce its negative impact on the environment, due to both industrial emissions of harmful substances and emissions of unused thermal energy. In this regard, it was envisaged to process part of the sulfur dioxide according to a cyclic scheme. To increase the intensity of the technological system and the processes occurring in it, the use of oxygen and the provision of a high concentration of sulfur dioxide in the gas mixture before the stage of its catalytic oxidation in the contact apparatus was envisaged. To reduce the total volume of reactants, an increase in pressure in the system was assumed. The carried out formalization and object-oriented decomposition of the simulated system made it possible to identify 6 functional subsystems (blocks), each of which can be modeled and investigated independently. The accepted high level of formalization made it possible to include a minimum set of real system parameters in the model. The model is capable of development and can be concretized by introducing additional parameters and mathematical models of technological functions into consideration. The developed model is recommended to be used for operational modeling of combined systems for the production of sulfuric acid and condensed sulfur dioxide in the preparation and optimization of initial data for their design. After testing and setting up the model in practice, it can be used in an automated process control system, including when creating adaptive control systems.
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology