Objective: This study aimed to reveal drug-drug interactions (DDIs) due to antacids through programs used to detect DDIs.
Material and Method: Within the scope of this study, 207 prescriptions containing at least one antacid and a drug from a different pharmacological group were evaluated in terms of DDIs. Evaluations were made on the prescriptions received in a community pharmacy serving in Van, Türkiye. Three different DDI checking programs were used for this evaluation.
Result and Discussion: Antacid-induced DDIs were detected in 64 of the prescriptions. Interactions occurred between 52 active ingredient pairs, and it was revealed that DDIs were most common between calcium carbonate and famotidine. This interaction is minor and has been detected by only one database. Another common interaction was found between the calcium carbonate and cholecalciferol (Vitamin D) pair, and this interaction was reported as Level 2 and should be closely monitored in two different databases. As a result, DDIs induced by antiacids generally were found to be at moderate levels. However, it is seen that three DDI checking programs used in the study provide different results in detecting DDIs.
Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi
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