Being Human in a Time of Catastrophe: African Feminism, Feminist Humaneness, and the Poetry of Joyce Ash


Nkealah Naomi


This article explores what it means to be human in a time of health catastrophe, and introduces the concept of feminist humaneness. Feminist humaneness is an offshoot of African feminism and is about women practicalising their feminism by expressing kindness, care, compassion, empathy and consideration for other women in times of sickness, disease, pandemics and other health catastrophes. The article establishes connections between being feminist and being humane using the poetry of Cameroonian writer Joyce Ash. Ash’s poetry constructs feminist humaneness as a socially responsive and practical feminism that fosters human relationships. Opsomming Hierdie artikel bestudeer wat menswees in ’n tyd van gesondheidskatastrofe behels, en stel die konsep van feministiese menslikheid bekend. Feministiese menslikheid is ’n vertakking van Afrika-feminisme en handel oor vroue se praktikalisering van hul feminisme deur welwillendheid, sorg, medelye, empatie en bedagsaamheid teenoor ander vroue in tye van siekte, pandemies, en ander gesondheidskatastrofes te toon. Die artikel gebruik die poësie van die Kameroense skrywer Joyce Ash deur ’n verband daar te stel tussen feministies wees en menslik wees. Ash se poësie konstrueer feministiese menslikheid as ’n maatskaplik responsiewe en praktiese feminisme wat menslike verhoudings koester.




Literature and Literary Theory

Reference27 articles.

1. Acholonu, Catherine Obianuju. 1995. Motherism: The Afrocentric Alternative to Feminism. Owerri: Afa Publications.

2. Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. 2014. We Should All Be Feminists. London: Fourth Estate.

3. Ahikire, Josephine. 2014. “African Feminism in Context: Reflections on the Legitimation Battles, Victories and Reversals.” Feminist Africa 19: 7–23.

4. Ambanasom, Shadrach. 2013. Perspectives on Written Cameroon Literature in English. Bamenda: Langaa RPCIG.

5. Ash, Joyce. 2018. Beautiful Fire. Denver, CO: Spears Media Press.

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