The Powers of the Federal Territory “Sirius” Public Authorities


Praskova Svetlana1ORCID


1. Baikal State University


In the article the author seeks to assess the total scope of powers of the public authorities of the federal territory «Sirius» which is created for the first time in the Russian Federation. She notes that such an authorities are state bodies, but its nature must be assessed in context of the total scope of powers which are assigned to them by the legislation. As a base of consideration of the powers of the public authorities of the federal territory «Sirius» the author suggests to divide them into three types: own, delegated and willingly accepted. The author believes that the powers of the federal territory bodies should be examined in comparison to the similar types of the powers of the Russian Federation subjects' state bodies or of the powers of local authorities. On the basis of such an approach the article 8 of the Federal law "On the federal territory ‛Sirius'" is analyzed which provides for the fundamentals of the competence of the federal territory public authorities. It is noted that the own powers of the federal territory public authorities comprise the full scope of powers of the local authorities of the city area, as well as the considerable part of the powers of the Russian Federation subjects' state bodies in the fi eld of the joint competence of the Russian Federation and its subjects, and also the powers of the organizational nature. The delegated powers may comprise the powers of the Russian Federation bodies and the Krasnodarsky Kray bodies. The public authorities of the federal territory "Sirius" possess also all the rights to participate in realization of the rest of powers which belong to the Russian Federation subjects' state bodies or local authorities of the city area, and in addition possess the rights introduced by the legal regulation features of the relations in the federal territory. The conclusion notes that such a competence does not only combines the powers of diff erent authorities, but also indicates the denial of the separation of powers.


Baikal State University

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