Pre-Qualification Assessment of Counterparties as a Factor in Effective Logistics Management System


Alferova Valeriya1


1. Baikal State University


At production enterprises the continuity, stability and uninterrupted production is due to the quality of the material and technical resources supplied and the services provided by the counterparties. To ensure the required level of quality, it is advisable to approach the process of selecting counterparties comprehensively. The purpose of the study is to form a methodological approach to the conduct of pre-qualification selection as a way to minimize tax and production and economic risks that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the selection of counter-agents and the entire logistics system of enterprises of all forms of ownership. The object of study is a production enterprise supplying shutoff and control valves. The study was conducted using the following scientific methods: classification, generalization, comparative analysis, experiment, calculations and measurements. The results provided a detailed assessment of preliminary qualification selection as an important source of comprehensive information on the counterparty, a tool for filtering counterparties with the use of rating assessment. The practical significance and novelty lies in the systematization and classification of the assessment criterion and requirements for suppliers of materials and equipment, works, services based on the best industry practices and recommendations of the federal tax service, which allows achieving objectivity and transparency of the results of counterparties’ assessment. According to the author, the rating assessment allows not only to assess the financial and production activities of the counterparty, but also to determine the position of the counterparty relatively to other competitors in the industry. The author proposes to use several methods in building a system of rating assessment of counterparties. These are the systematization method, analytical, comparative method, coefficient methods and the method of paired comparisons. Based on the generalizing information and characteristics the author has formed a complex portrait of the counterparty, as well as directions of improvement of his activity. The obtained results were implemented in the logistics system of LLC “Company Vostsibugol”.


Baikal State University

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