1. Koldin V.Ya. Identification in the Production of Forensic Examinations. Moscow, Gosyurizdat Publ., 1957. 152 p.
2. Koldin V.Ya. Identification and its Role in Establishing the Truth in Criminal Cases. Lomonosov Moscow State University Publ., 1969. 149 p.
3. Koldin V.Ya. Forensic Identification. Moscow, LeksEst Publ., 2002. 528 p.
4. Koldin V.Ya. Identification in the Investigation of Crimes. Moscow, Yuridicheskaya literatura Publ., 1978. 144 p.
5. Koldin V.Ya. Actual Bases of Forensic Identification. Pravovedenie = Jurisprudence, 1977, no. 6, pp. 70–78. (In Russian).