1. Baikal State University
Currently, the scientific literature pays much attention to the issues of program-target and normative-per capita budgeting, their implementation in the Russian practice. However, the results of comprehensive studies of budgeting of public finance are practically not published. It determines the necessity of carrying out, first of all, theoretical research in the field of budgeting in the sphere of governmental (municipal) finance. The article considers theoretical approaches to the content of budgeting, highlights its features in public (municipal) finance in terms of functions, principles, organization schemes. It systemizes types of budgeting, including the program-targeted type; the result-oriented budgeting; the initiative; the normative-per capita and the project types. The article presents investigation of the content of the most relevant type of budgeting for Russian practice - the initiative budgeting, offers its classification in terms of various grounds. It analyzes the degree of initiative budgeting implementation in Russias regions, specifies the prospective directions of introducing budgeting in the Russian practice.
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4 articles.