Russian and Foreign Experience of Functioning of the Institute of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman): Issues of Improving Legal Regulation


Yakimova Ekaterina1ORCID


1. Baikal State University


Improving the mechanism for the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is a constant task for the legislator in any state. In scientific research, when analyzing existing Russian legislation, law enforcement practice, foreign experience, researchers justify the need to adjust Russian legislation and law enforcement. Some proposals are further reflected in the legislation. New challenges to the Russian state and society require additional measures to improve the activities of human rights commissioners (ombudsmen). These persons actively participate in the implementation of the human rights state function. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of legal regulation and the functioning of the Federal Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia, the implementation of its functions, and the determination of the most acceptable scientific views on improving its status, taking into account modern Russian realities and positive foreign experience. The methodological basis of the study was general scientific methods, as well as special legal methods of cognition, special importance is attached to the comparative legal method. We concluded that the recognition by the human rights commissioners (ombudsmen) of an important place in the state extrajudicial mechanism for the protection of human rights is not without grounds. When changing legal norms, it is necessary to take into account that the functionality of these persons is limited due to the specifics of their status, as well as the subsidiary of their role in protecting human and civil rights and freedoms. These persons contribute to the restoration of the violated right mainly through interaction with public authorities. Consequently, proposals to empower the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation with unusual functions should be assessed for acceptability from the standpoint of the specifics of its status and the importance of ombudsmen in the Russian human rights mechanism.


Baikal State University

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