1. Chuistov V. On the Development of the Paper Industry. Planovoe khozyaistvo = Planned Economy, 1939, no. 10, pp. 63–71. (In Russian).
2. Butkovskii V. Foreign Concessions in the National Economy of the USSR. Moscow, State Publishing House, 1928. 123 p.
3. Tamarin A. (ed.). On the Issue of Industrialization of Siberia. Novonikolaevsk, Siberian Regional Bureau of the Supreme Economic Council Publ., 1925. 91 p.
4. Kantorovich V.Ya. Planned Start in Industry. Moscow, the Central Press Department of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Publ., 1925. 107 p.
5. Kafengauz L.B. Evolution of Industrial Production in Russia (Last Third of the 19th — 30s of the 20th Century). Moscow, Ehpifaniya, 1994. 848 p.