Algorithmic and Software Program for Determining the Labor Intensity of One-Season Maintenance of Tractors


Polkovskaya Marina1,Khabardin Vasily1


1. Irkutsk State Agricultural University named after A.A. Ezhevsky


The paper describes a program for calculating the total specific labor intensity of tractor maintenance during their one-season use. The mathematical support of the program is represented by models that allow, based on data on the seasonal operation of tractors, to calculate the total specific labor intensity of maintenance. In the algorithmic support, the main stages of calculating the indicator under study are formulated. The user interface of the program is created in the form of a form using the Visual Basic for Applications programming language. In addition to the labor intensity itself, the program calculates statistical parameters, upper limits of seasonal operating time and probabilities of intervals. The proposed program can be used to calculate the total specific labor intensity of maintenance not only for tractors, but also for other machines used in agricultural production.


Baikal State University

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