Multicriteria Optimization of the Organization of the Supply of Raw Materials for an Oil Refinery


Shupletsov Alexander1,Burov Kirill1


1. Baikal State University


The volatility of the world economy, the scale of pro-duction activities are the main factors that increase the complexity of planning the activities of companies in the oil refining industry. For the efficient functioning of oil refineries, it is necessary to take in-to account many conditions and restrictions for various segments of the production process. The organization of the supply of crude oil to refineries, which is the main production raw material, is considered. The purpose of the work is to form a model for organizing the supply of oil refineries, the application of methods of multicriteria optimization. This approach proves the performance of the model and the effectiveness of optimization methods, taking into account many influencing factors. An economic and mathematical model for organizing the supply of oil refineries is formulated, taking into account such conditions as the cost and time of delivery, oil quality and the volume of losses during transportation. The method of multicriteria optimization was applied to find a compromise solution in the space of several goals.


Baikal State University

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