1. Kozhevnikova V.N. Implementation of the fiscal function of customs payments. Cand. Diss. Thesis. Irkutsk, 2008. 21 p. EDN: NJHQVD.
2. Kulumbekova T.E. Factors of customs payments and revenues formation. Cand. Diss. Vladikavkaz, 2005. 180 p. EDN: NNKXFP.
3. Khapilin S.A. Customs administration mechanism and its role in the formation of federal budget revenues. Cand. Diss. Thesis. Rostov-on-Don, 2008. 25 p. EDN: NKJNBD.
4. Zhuravlev A.A. Customs payments in the system of economic relations at the current stage. Cand. Diss. Thesis. Moscow, 2007. 24 p. EDN: NJDJOV.
5. Zemlyanskaya N.I. Legal nature of customs payments. Cand. Diss. Thesis. Saratov, 2005. 22 p. EDN: NIGRXH.