1. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
The article substantiates relevance of study of the Russian language current state from the standpoint of linguo-culturology as complex and interdisciplinary science. Historical and regional language particularities, temporal cultural context of a linguistic situation are considered. The study is conducted within the framework of the contemporary linguistics: cognitive science, sociolinguistics, ethno-linguistics, psycholinguistics, etc. Linguo-cultural description of a situation as theoretical concept and as object of a linguo-cultural analysis contributes to the development of LCS-theory and poses a problem of practical study of specific linguo-cultural cases.
Any radical changes in a language are historically and culturally dependent. Directly or indirectly, they reflect socio-political or ideological transformations in the life of a society, and are related to language consciousness and language worldview of native speakers. Hence, space-time circumstances have crucial influence on a particular linguo-cultural situation and require a comprehensive analysis.
Youth discourse, being a rapidly changing and constantly updated issue, is affected by the time period and the cultural environment in which it develops. It gives grounds to choosing youth discourse as the main object of study in the description of the current linguo-cultural situation.
The linguo-cultural approach to the analysis of youth language (particularly, that of students as large and socially active layer in the modern society) is aimed at enhancing the forecast of some development trends both in the language and in the linguo-cultural situation in the country. Besides, it helps to determine both general regularities of linguo-cultural development and features of LCS as one of key linguo-cultural concepts.