1. Referans 1 UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Exposures from Natural Radiation Sources Annex B, 117-118, New York, USA, 2000.
2. Referans 2 Sabol, J., & Weng, P.S. Introduction to Radiation Protection Dosimetry: World Scientific Publishing, 300, Singapore, 1995.
3. Referans 3 NCRP, Report. Measurements of Radon and Radon Daughters in Air, No.97, p.174, 1988.
4. Referans 4 Olsson, M., & Tengström, J., Radon Presence and Remedial Measures in Europe and the USA. Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science. Physics and Engineering Physics Subatomic Physics Göteborg University Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, 2004, Sweden.
5. Referans 5 Durrani, S.A., & Iliç, R., Radon Measurements by Etched Track Detectors: Applications in Radiation Protection, Earth Sciences and the Environment, World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey, U.S.A., p.387, 1997.